23 December 2021
Elseiver’s updated science-wide author database includes three researchers of V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics
A comprehensive database of the 100 000 most-cited authors is compiled by Elseiver and Stanford University. The updated version of this database is now available at This database is a systematic rank of the most-cited scientists in various research fields based on the Scopus data. Ranking of scientists is based on the combined indicator including six citation metrics (total citations, Hirsch h-index, co-authorship-adjusted Schreiber hm-index, the number of citations to papers as a single author, the number of citations to papers as single or first author, and the number of citations to papers as a single, first, or last author). Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields.The database presents data on the 2% of the most cited scientists for the last 25 years (Table_1_Authors_career_2020_wopp_extracted_202108.xlsx) and for 2020 (Table_1_Authors_singleyr_2020_wopp_extracted_202108.xlsx).
The updated version of this database includes three scientists of the V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics: Dr.V.A. Banakh, Prof. V.P. Lukin, and Dr. I.N. Smalikho.