Group of Integrated Information Systems
headed by Dr. Aleksandr Z Fazliev

Main fields of activity
- Investigation of the absorption of IR radiation by atmospheric gases in line wings.
- Development of information systems for atmospheric sciences.
The group was formed based on the Laboratory of Statistical Optics headed by Prof. S.D. Tvorogov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Group of Information Technologies headed by Prof. E.P. Gordov.
Within the framework of works carried out by the group in cooperation with the Institute of Computational Mathematics RAS and the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, information-computation system joined into the portal have been developed. The information-computational systems have been integrated into the portal with the use of software tools developed by group. Main subject areas, information resources are developed for, are atmospheric spectroscopy, atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric radiation, atmospheric aerosol, and global and regional investigation of the atmosphere. The information component of the portal includes some books, reference information in subject areas, glossary, and links to information resources.
In cooperation with the Tomsk State University, the Internet-accessible information-computational system has been developed based on mesoscale meteorological models including nonstationary 3D equations of atmospheric hydrothermodynamics and different schemes of parameterization of atmospheric processes. The system allows the calculation of more than 70 parameters characterizing the state of the atmosphere in Western Siberia at different heights. The system is based on the four-level client-server architecture, in which a client query is processed by a server, computations are conducted by a cluster, and output client data are stored on a database server.
In cooperation with the St. Petersburg University and the Institute of Applied Physics RAS, the distributed information system on molecular spectroscopy (,, for collection and processing of primary information about measured and calculated spectral characteristics of atmospheric molecules has been developed. An emphasis in this system is on the data about information sources in molecular spectroscopy in order to obtain the adequate and reliable information on both molecular parameters and combined and primary sources of information about them. In cooperation with some foreign universities, the W@DIS information system is developed. This system is oriented at the work with knowledge in the field of spectroscopy of water and is a prototype for the development of the distributed international system on atmospheric spectroscopy. The results of the first stage in the development of information system are described in the monograph Information Aspects of Molecular Spectroscopy.
In cooperation with the Volgograd and Ural Universities, the distributed information system on atmospheric radiation (, has been developed.
The group develops information systems for atmospheric sciences using up-to-date information technologies (first of all, Semantic Web) based on recommendations of international organizations.
- Aleksei Yu Akhlestin, programmer 1st category, phone: +7 3822 492-277, E-mail:
- Aleksandr Z Fazliev, leader staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 492-277, E-mail:
- Elena M Kozodoeva, junior staff scientist, phone: +7 3822 492-277, E-mail:
- Fedor A Lavrent'ev, technician
- Nikolai A Lavrent'ev, staff scientist, phone: +7 3822 492-277, E-mail:
- Aleksei I Privezentsev, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 1166, E-mail:
- Ol'ga B Rodimova, leader staff scientist, Prof., E-mail: