Laboratory of Optical Signals Propagation
headed by Prof. Vladimir V Belov

Field of research
- Processes of formation and transfer of optical signals and images in multicomponent stratified nonuniform scattering and absorbing media (cloudless atmosphere and layered and broken cloudiness).
- Theory, methods, software, and information complexes of atmospheric correction and interpretation of optical images and signals distorted by scattering and absorbing media in systems of vision, detection and ranging, sensing, and communication.
- Investigation of acoustic radiation propagation in a turbulent atmosphere.
Theoretical and experimental investigations of processes of formation and transfer of optical signals and images in the atmosphere are important for estimation of maximum operation range of the existing optoelectronic systems and systems being developed for various designations and deployment (on the terrestrial surface, in the atmosphere, or in the extra-atmospheric space).
The urgency and intensity of investigations in the field of satellite and ground-based active and passive systems of sensing and monitoring of the atmosphere and hydrosphere increase. They are stimulated by climatic changes on our planet. Without knowledge of the processes in the atmosphere –terrestrial surface system it is impossible to provide realistic forecast of these changes and to find possible means for decreasing their negative consequences.
direct and inverse problems of optical and acoustic radiation transfer theory, Monte Carlo method, small-angle approximation in the radiation transfer theory, stochastic cloudiness, polarization, refraction, optoelectronic communication, and laboratory and field experiments.
Main results obtained in the last few years
- For the first time, the theoretical conclusion on the feasibility of application of scattered laser radiation for multiaddress bistatic optoelectronic communication schemes of transmission and reception (interception) of information flows not only in the atmosphere, but also in water and mixed media (through the surface dividing them) has been experimentally confirmed.
- A new modification of the algorithm of double local estimate of the Monte Carlo method intended for simulation of impulse responses of bistatic communication channels in scattering and absorbing media has been proposed and substantiated.
- The influence of stochastic cloud fields on the Earth surface images observed through gaps in a cloudy field has been taken into account. Algorithms have been developed for simulation by the Monte Carlo method of images formed under these optical-geometric conditions.
- Using statistical numerical experiments by the Monte Carlo method, the conditions have been determined at which polarization should be taken into account to reconstruct correctly the Earth surface characteristics from remote sensing data.
- The inverse problem has been solved for spectral measurements of the aerosol extinction coefficient in the surface layer of the atmosphere. New data on the variability of microstructural aerosol parameters, such as the volume concentration, geometric cross section, and mean radius of aerosol particles subdivided into the submicron and coarsely dispersed fractions were obtained.
- It has been found that the reflection coefficients of weakly reflecting areas of the Earth surface reconstructed from data of passive satellite sensing at wavelengths in the range 0.412–0.860 μm disregarding polarization can be negative.
- For the first time, a new method of investigating the spatiotemporal dynamics of the kinetic energy flux density vector – the Umov vector – has been proposed and successfully implemented. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the Umov vector can be used to detect time periods and altitude ranges of its maximum and minimum values and prevailing directions of total kinetic energy transfer to detect times and altitudes most and least favorable for flights of unmanned aerial vehicles, to evaluate the impact of wind on high-rise buildings and to estimate the wind energy potential of projected wind turbines.
- The concept of the effective aerosol layer altitude, representing the ratio of the integral microstructural characteristics, including the total geometric cross section and the volume concentration of particles of submicron and coarsely dispersed fractions, in the entire thickness of the atmosphere and in the surface atmospheric layer, has been generalized.
- Experiments on bistatic communications underwater and through the ice surface for coplanar and non-coplanar schemes of their implementations have been performed outdoors. Empirical dependences of the effect of non-coplanar bistatic communication schemes on the level of communication errors and their standard deviations are established. For the first time in Russia, laboratory experiments on communication on scattered laser radiation have been carried out. Experiments were carried out in the Large Aerosol Chamber of the IAO SB RAS.
- For the first time, the diurnal hourly dynamics of the total kinetic wind energy has been analyzed in the atmospheric boundary layer, including the mean kinetic energy component and the ratio of the turbulent to mean kinetic energy components retrieved by postdetector processing of continuous long time series of vertical profiles of both average values and variances of the 3D wind vector measured with a minisodar. Enhanced turbulent kinetic energy layers where detected, and the wind effect on wind turbines, high-rise buildings, bridges, and light unmanned flying vehicles was evaluated.
Informational resources - Results of daily satellite sensing of the atmosphere and the Earth surface of Western Siberia. Satellite data on the aerosol, cloudiness, ozone, reflecting properties of the Earth surface, and temperature and humidity profiles.
Main publications 2021
- Potekaev A. I., Shamanaeva L.G., Kulagina V.V. Diurnal Dynamics of the kinetic energy in the atmospheric boundary layer from the data of minisodar measurements // Russian Physics Journal, 2021. V. 64, № 8, pp. 1405-1414. DOI:10.1007/s11182-021-02199-4.
- Simakhin V.A., Shamanaeva L.G., Avdyushina A.E. Robust semiparametric and semi-nonparametric estimates of inhomogeneous experimental data. //Russian Physics Journal, 2021. V. 64, № 2, pp. 355-366. doi:10.1007/s11182-021-02336-z.
- Simakhin V.A., Shamanaeva L.G., Maer A.V., Robust parametric generators of random variables // Russian Physics Journal, 2021. V. 64, № 6, pp. 1130–1144. DOI: 10.1007/s11182-021-02433-z.
- Tarasenkov M.V., Zonov M.N., Engel’ M.V., Belov V.V. Estimation of the Broken Cloud Effect on Retrieving Reflectance of Cloudless Earth Surface Regions from MODIS Imagery. //Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol. 2021. V. 46, 747–754. DOI:10.3103/S1068373921110030.
- Tarasenkov M.V., Zonov M.N., Belov V.V. and Engel M.V. Passive Satellite Sensing of the Earth’s Surface through Breaks in Cloud Fields // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2021, V. 34. No. 06. pp. 695–703.
- Potekaev A.I., Shamanaeva, L.G., Kulagina, V. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the kinetic energy in the atmospheric boundary layer from minisodar measurements. // Atmosphere, 2021. 12(4). No 421. ISSN 2073-4433. DOI:10.3390/atmos12040421.
- Potekaev A.I., Krasnenko N.P., Shamanaeva L.G. Diurnal dynamics of the umov kinetic energy density vector in the atmospheric boundary layer from minisodar measurements // Atmosphere, 2021, 12 (10), No 1347, ISSN 2073-4433. DOI 10.3390/atmos12101347.
- Simakhin V.A., Shamanaeva L.G., Avdyushina A.E. Robust parametric estimates of heterogeneous experimental data. // Russian Physics Journal, 2021. 63(9), pp. 1510-1518. DOI:10.1007/s11182-021-02199-4.
- Tarasenkov M.V., Zonov M.N., Engel M.V., Belov V.V. A Method for Estimating the Cloud Adjacency Effect on the Ground Surface Reflectance Reconstruction from Passive Satellite Observations through Gaps in Cloud Fields. //Atmosphere, 2021, 12, No 1512. DOI:10.3390/atmos12111512.
- Tarasenkov M.V., Belov V.V. and Poznakharev E.S. Estimation of optimal wavelengths for atmospheric non-line-of-sight optical communication in the UV range of the spectrum in daytime and at night for baseline distances from 50 m to 50 km //Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2022, Vol. 39, Issue 2, pp. 177-188. DOI:10.1364/JOSAA.440875.
- Tarasenkov M.V., Zonov M.N., Belov V.V., Engel M.V. Passive Satellite Sensing of the Earth’s Surface through Breaks in Cloud Fields // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2021, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 705–713. DOI: 10.1134/S102485602106024.
- Vladimir V Belov, main staff scientist, Prof., phone: +7 3822 492-237, E-mail:
- Aleksandra S Bogdanova, leader programmer, E-mail:
- Irina D Dvornikova,
- Marina V Engel', staff scientist, Dr., E-mail:
- Andrei V Fedosov, technician, E-mail:
- Yurii V Gridnev, staff scientist, E-mail:
- Nina V Kabanova,, E-mail:
- Svetlana S Men'shchikova, staff scientist, E-mail:
- Semen A. Peshkov, post-graduate student
- Egor S Poznakharev, staff scientist, E-mail:
- Konstantin K Protasov,
- Valentina P Protasova, engineer, E-mail:
- Lyudmila G Shamanaeva, senior staff scientist, Dr., E-mail:
- Anna V Shesterikova, staff scientist, PhD, E-mail:
- Mikhail V Tarasenkov, leader staff scientist, Dr., E-mail:
- Viktor V Veretennikov, main staff scientist, Prof., E-mail: