Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy

headed by Dr. Aleksei A Lugovskoi


  • Spectroscopy of intramolecular interactions.
  • Investigation of intermolecular interactions.
  • Development of highly sensitive spectrometers-analyzers.
  • Spectroscopy of water from the water monomer to water in biological systems.

Main results

  • Intracavity (IC) spectrometers with dispersion and dynamic cavities based on Nd:glass lasers, dyes, and color centers in alkali halide crystals have been designed. The IC spectrometers with a threshold absorption sensitivity of 10–8 cm–1 have been used to study absorption spectra of molecules and atoms at temperatures of 300–1000K in a pulsed gas discharge and a laser jet plasma. A technique for the measurement of shift coefficients of absorption lines has been developed.
  • Absorption spectra of water vapor and hydrogen sulfide have been analyzed in a wide spectral range from 0 to 25000 cm–1. The existence of interpoliad local resonances has been found for the water vapor molecule. The potential surface of the HDO molecule has been reconstructed, and the detailed list of 700 000 000 transitions of this molecule has been generated.
  • The series representing effective Hamiltonians diverge for highly excited states. To solve this problem, an original method based on the Euler transformation has been proposed.
  • Absorption spectra of water clusters under laboratory conditions close to the atmospheric ones have been recorded for the first time. The proposed dynamic technique has been used to record absorption spectra of water clusters in SiO2 nanopores.

    Experiment on the recording of water in nanopores
  • A method of exact trajectories, which takes into account the trajectory curvilinearity in the impact broadening theory and the shift of spectral lines irrespective of the form of the intermolecular potential, has been developed. The method is actively used in the international practice of calculation of line profile parameters.
  • A semiempiric method in the theory of spectral line broadening has been developed. The method gives a clear representation for physical factors of line broadening and allows the detailed study of the dependence of profile parameters on the temperature, vibrational and rotational quantum numbers.
  • The pattern recognition method was applied for the first times for problems of molecular spectroscopy: for automated line search in complex spectra and for solution of inverse spectroscopic problems of line assignment.
  • A system of spectrometric analyzers for analysis of solutions, exhaled air, iodine in an organism, oil product parameters has been created. ZIMA high-pressure spectrophotometric gas humidity meter designed in cooperation with the VEGA Company is operated successfully for the natural gas humidity monitoring in gas pipe lines.

    ZIMA high-pressure spectrophotometric gas humidity meter


  1. Aleksandr D Bykov, main staff scientist, Prof., phone: +7 3822 491-751, E-mail:
  2. Andrei N Duchko, junior staff scientist, Dr.
  3. Nikolai V Duchko, engineer
  4. Anna S Dudaryonok, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 13-68, E-mail:
  5. Nikita M. Emelyanov, post-graduate student, phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 13-48
  6. Natalya Yu. Karpova, technician
  7. Nina N Lavrent'eva, main staff scientist, Prof., phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 13-68, E-mail:
  8. Aleksei A Lugovskoi, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 13-48, E-mail:
  9. Yurii A Matul'yan, engineer
  10. Tatyana A. Nevzorova, junior staff scientist, E-mail:
  11. Tat'yana M Petrova, leader staff scientist, Prof., phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 12-84, E-mail:
  12. Anatolii P Shcherbakov, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 12-841-75, E-mail:
  13. Leonid N Sinitsa, main staff scientist, Prof., phone: +7 3822 491-347, E-mail:
  14. Aleksandr M Solodov, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 12-84, E-mail:
  15. Semen S Vasil'chenko, staff scientist, PhD, E-mail:
  16. Boris A Voronin, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 491-111 + 13-90, E-mail: