Laboratory of Coherent and Adaptive Optics

headed by Prof. Vladimir P Lukin



  • Development of the theory of adaptive optical systems for the optimal imaging and laser beaming through the atmosphere.
  • Development of the elemental basis for adaptive and coherent optics.

Main results

  • The theory of phase fluctuations of optical waves during the propagation in the refractive, turbulent, and scattering atmosphere has been developed.
  • As early as in 1981, we already conducted experiments with adaptive optical systems on the correction of refraction and atmospheric turbulence. In the course of instrumental studies of the atmospheric astroclimate, we have proved that it is important to take into account the finite outer scale of turbulence and its influence on characteristics of an image formed through the atmosphere. We have prepared technical proposal for the first Russian AST-10 adaptive telescope and studied peculiarities of the adaptive phase correction of an image in astronomic telescopes.
  • In 1978–1983, main principles of the adaptive telescope functioning against laser guide stars were written for the first time in the world, pioneering works on the study of dynamic characteristics of adaptive systems were performed, and two-color adaptive systems were put in practice. For these works, V. Lukin was awarded with the International Prize and Galileo Galilei Medal in 2000.
  • In cooperation with the Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics, the Lab conducts successful research for the designing of adaptive systems for IR and solar telescopes. ANGARA adaptive image correction system has been developed and implemented in the Big Solar Vacuum Telescope. The system provides the telescope operation based on the tracking of the solar granulation pattern displacement. This improves the telescope efficiency 16–25 times.
  • Algorithms have been developed for the adaptive correction of thermal distortions appearing during the transport of high-power laser radiation in the atmosphere, the influence of spiral phase dislocations on the correction quality has been studied, the theory of turbulence has been developed for the anisotropic boundary layer, and investigations on the correction of laser beams and images formed in the atmosphere have been carried out. Meters of the turbulence level and wind velocity have been designed. They are applied in investigations of radiation propagation along atmospheric paths and in development of methods for the remote monitoring of the atmosphere. The meters are used in the Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Almaz-Antei Company, Astrofizika Scientific Production Association, Raduga Company, and Vizionika Company.
  • Scientific results of the Lab are internationally recognized. The Lab cooperates with the Institute of Astronomy (Sweden)and European Southern Observatory (Germany), had contracts with the Livermore National Laboratory(USA) and Nanjing Astronomical Instrument Research Center (China).
  • Basic principles of the operation of adaptive optical systems have been formulated. The theory of an electron-pumped waveguide laser has been developed and prototypes of this laser have been designed.
  • Gas electron-discharge systems are implemented in cooperation with Chinese scientists.
Wavefront sensor Meter of turbulence level and wind velocity



  1. Lidiya A Bol'basova, senior staff scientist, Dr, E-mail:
  2. Aleksandr G. Borsilov,, E-mail:
  3. Fedor Yu Kanev, leader staff scientist, Prof., phone: +7 3822 491-372, E-mail:
  4. Petr A Konyaev, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 491-372, E-mail:
  5. Evgeniy A Kopylov, staff scientist, PhD, E-mail:
  6. Vladimir P Lukin, main staff scientist, Prof., phone: +7 3822 492-606, E-mail:
  7. Nailya A Makenova, staff scientist, Dr., E-mail:
  8. Viktor V Nosov, leader staff scientist, Dr., E-mail:
  9. Ivan V. Russkikh, leader programmer
  10. Viktor A Sennikov, staff scientist, E-mail:
  11. Egor L Soin, junior staff scientist, E-mail:
  12. Andrei V Torgaev, senior staff scientist, Dr., phone: +7 3822 11-71, E-mail:
  13. Igor D Veretekhin, engineer, E-mail:
  14. Nosov Evgeny Victorovich, senior staff scientist, Dr., E-mail:
  15. Denis V kazakov, junior staff scientist, E-mail: